101 English Idioms Explained - Volume 1

As an English teacher, I used to think that learning idioms was not the best use of a student’s time as they are not always used and may not be accessible to other non-native speakers. However, I changed my view when learning Polish and the teacher introduced me to some Polish animal idioms such as dumny jak paw - which in English, means as proud as a peacock.

I learnt it straight away and remembered it without revision. In so doing, I learnt a useful character word and the construction ‘as something as,’ all in a simple three word idiom.

I then revised my opinion of the usefulness of idioms and decided to put some together in a book. I’ve aimed to focus on those that are used regularly and given simple examples of each so that people know where to use them.

It’s fun, low stress learning where you can enjoy the idioms without really thinking too much about it - my kind of learning!

We also have a regular idiom blog that you might like.