Praski's Guide to Warsaw Old Town

If you are thinking of about coming to Warsaw, you must visit the Old Town and if you are thinking about visiting the Old Town, then must read Praski’s Guide!

Praski's Guide to Warsaw Old Town takes you on a wonderful journey around Warsaw’s rebuilt, historic centre. Written by local resident Jan Sandford, the guide includes practical, local inside knowledge, beautiful photographs combined with Jan’s usual sensitivity and aesthetic observation; here’s an extract from the introduction.

The Old Town and Market Square in Warsaw is somewhere every tourist should visit and probably has top billing on most itineraries. The location of the Old Town is easy to find and only a few tram stops away from the centre of Warsaw. The original town was built at the end of the 13th century and beginning of the 14th century.

Here you will find a complex of buildings that have been rebuilt in the original style due to the devastation caused in the time of the Warsaw Uprising when the occupying German soldiers destroyed most of the buildings with their weapons and tanks.

The Old Town is one of my favourite places to visit, especially in winter as it is very quiet and peaceful. I don’t have to travel very far and can catch a tram at the bottom of my flat block. I often go out at weekends with my camera to take photographs. The winter sun on the snowy rooftops can sometimes be exquisite.

I have tried to put this guide together in a simple format where readers will be able to follow each attraction in order of place in the Old Town rather than in alphabetical order.

I have introduced a rating system of stars based on the attractiveness, history and popularity of each attraction.

Interesting to read; informative, enjoyable, useful.

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