If you’re a
bit of a foodie and like to try out different cuisines, here’s something a bit
less obvious that you may not have thought of - Catalan Food.
Praski’s Mini-Guide to Catalan Food by Jan Sandford tells a little bit about the nature of
this region's cooking and introduces you to some typical, mouth watering recipes. Here
are few extracts form the book.
For most Catalans, weekends and holidays are times when families get together for lunch. This is generally a lengthy meal lasting 2-3 hours, eaten outdoors, weather permitting. Barbecues in the garden are popular, on the beach and also in the countryside.
The feeling of being outdoors is prolonged and appreciated by collecting food that comes free, for example, wild asparagus, picked from the hedge grow in spring, mussels boiled on the craggy rocks in utensils filled with sea water in summer, mushrooms gathered from the forest floor in autumn, snails tenderly tweaked from blades of glass in the fields after rain has fallen, all the year round. Adding to this list there are delicacies that can be caught like fish on the line, partridge or quail from the hills. Catalans have a name for this regional style of food, Mar i Muntanya, which when translated means food from the mountains and the sea.
To find out more, you can buy the book at a very affordable price from Amazon.
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